Deuteronomium 2:11
Comentário sobre este versículo
Por Alexander Payne
Verse 11. Which also filled the mind with the idea of its own super-eminence, as all principles derived from love of self, and are very powerful on account of their proceeding from hereditary evil in the will; but those who are in external worship consider only the outward results of these things. [Note (verses 10-11).—Some idea may be formed of the power of persuasions derived from hereditary evil and the desires of the natural mind by reflecting how self-interest twists and imperceptibly warps one's thoughts, and how difficult it is to form a clear and impartial judgement in any matter in which one's interests are involved; also how any passion or desire of the natural mind when it obtains any power over the soul obliterates all the rational considerations that would check it.]
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