Johannes 1:16
Comentário sobre este versículo
Por Brian David
"Fullness," when used in reference to the Lord, means the full sum of His love and His wisdom. "Grace" means the delight of recognizing, knowing and embracing what is true. This verse, then, tells us that the Lord had come into the flesh to share with us all His love, all His desire for good and all His wisdom and insight, and that the vehicle we could use to embrace those things was the delight of truth.
It’s interesting to note that in this day and age, our connection to the Lord comes through the Bible, through the words on the pages that describe His life. The ink doesn’t love us; the paper doesn’t love us. The Bible might come with a fancy binding and gilt-edged pages, but leather and gold don’t love us. We have to read the words and see the love within them; we need to use the delight of truth to open ourselves to the Lord’s love.
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