Deuteronomy 33:29



29 μακαριος-A1A-NSM συ- P--NS *ισραηλ-N---VSM τις- I--NSM ομοιος-A1A-NSM συ- P--DS λαος-N2--NSM σωζω-V1--PMPNSM υπο-P κυριος-N2--GSM υπερασπιζω-VF--FAI3S ο- A--NSM βοηθος-N2--NSM συ- P--GS και-C ο- A--NSF μαχαιρα-N1A-NSF καυχημα-N3M-NSN συ- P--GS και-C ψευδω-VF--FMI3P συ- P--AS ο- A--NPM εχθρος-N2--NPM συ- P--GS και-C συ- P--NS επι-P ο- A--ASM τραχηλος-N2--ASM αυτος- D--GPM επιβαινω-VF--FMI2S

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Por Alexander Payne

Verse 29. Blessed is the man regenerated by the Lord; who is like him? a man saved by the immediate care of the Lord, who is the defence of his help, and his irresistible weapon of offence against all evil and falsity! he shall see the folly of all the false principles that entice him; and shall trample their power under foot.