Postanak 2:18
Comentário sobre este versículo
Por Brian David
The Bible often describes a person, church or nation as being "alone" to indicate that it is celestial in nature – that is, that it is motivated by love to the Lord and led in life directly by the Lord, and is thus not surrounded by the temptations of evil and falsity. This was the case with the Most Ancient Church, which is represented by "man" or "Adam." But it would not stay that way.
Eventually – most likely over many generations – people began to want to lead themselves and think for themselves rather than being led by the Lord in life and thought. They wanted to connect more directly with the world. They didn't want to be "alone" anymore. In doing this they turned away from their highest, most blessed state – represented by the statement "it is not good."
So the Lord prepared to grant them their wish, by preparing to give them a "helper" – a sense of life as their own, which is described further in the discussion of Gen. 2:22.
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