Deuteronomy 3:20
Комментарий к этой строфе
Написано Alexander Payne
Verse 20. Until the Lord shall have reduced all the principles within man to order as well as those things which are in the external mind; and when the soul shall possess those interior states of love and charity which the Lord has prepared for it in the inner mind, then shall the external mind and all things derived from it also have rest and repose in the soul. [Note (verses 18-20).—In these verses would seem to be described how the soul perceives that it must work out its own salvation by combating the evils of the outer life; and by warring against these exterior evils the way is prepared for the Lord to gift the soul with real charity in interiors, after which right principles will be carried out in externals as from habit without struggle. (See Arcana Coelestia 4353.)]
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