1 βασιλιάδες 20:23



23 Ειπον δε προς αυτον οι δουλοι του βασιλεως της Συριας, Ο θεος αυτων ειναι θεος των βουνων· δια τουτο υπερισχυσαν καθ' ημων· εαν δε πολεμησωμεν αυτους εν τη πεδιαδι, βεβαιως θελομεν υπερισχυσει κατ' αυτων.

Комментарий к этой строфе  

Написано Henry MacLagan

Verse 23. The sensual loves and powers also, of the natural man, dominated by worldly knowledges, cause him to perceive, that since the corrupted spiritual church opposes him by means of interior falsified truths, and is on that account successful, therefore he should be drawn into exterior delights and fallacies so that the natural man may prevail;