列王記上 20:39



39 王が通り過ぎる時、王に呼ばわって言った、「しもべはいくさの中に出て行きましたが、ある軍人が、ひとりの人をわたしの所につれてきて言いました、『この人を守っていなさい。もし彼がいなくなれば、あなたの命を彼の命に代えるか、または一タラントを払わなければならない』。

Комментарий к этой строфе  

Написано Henry MacLagan

Verse 39. And it is the dictate of the Word, in its power, to the selfish man of the corrupted church, that even from apparent truths, it is seen, that conflict between good and evil and truth and error must take place, during which it happens, from Divine Order, that the natural man is subdued, and must be held in check internally as well as externally; because, if he is not so restrained, either all spiritual life is destroyed, or the acknowledgment of the Lord under the influence of the genuine truth accompanied by repentance must follow.