申命記 2:9



9 その時、主はわたしに言われた、『モアブを敵視してはならない。またそれと争い戦ってはならない。彼らの地は、領地としてあなたに与えない。ロトの子孫アルを与えて、領地とさせたからである。

Комментарий к этой строфе  

Написано Alexander Payne

Verse 9. And the soul is commanded by the Lord through the Word not to be hostile to what proceeds from imperfect external worship, nor to contend with it by fighting against it from spiritual truths; for genuine spiritual truth will not be formed in the soul by dispossessing the states derived from external worship, for the Lord has provided the love of external worship for the benefit of those faculties in the soul which can only receive a religious principle derived from external things.