και εχρισαν αυτον Σαδωκ ο ιερευς και Ναθαν ο προφητης βασιλεα εν Γιων· και ανεβησαν εκειθεν ευφραινομενοι, και η πολις αντηχησεν· αυτη ειναι η φωνη, την οποιαν ηκουσατε·
και εχρισαν αυτον Σαδωκ ο ιερευς και Ναθαν ο προφητης βασιλεα εν Γιων· και ανεβησαν εκειθεν ευφραινομενοι, και η πολις αντηχησεν· αυτη ειναι η φωνη, την οποιαν ηκουσατε·
Nga Henry MacLagan
Verse 45. And in which also, good derived from truth, and truth derived from good, in the natural man, where are the knowledges of goodness and truth, have confirmed the influx of Divine Love from the Divine Human in its power, whence the natural man has been elevated above temptations by the realization of good, and by the manifestation of true doctrine in gladness of the understanding and in joy of the heart. And that thus what, to the evil who tempt, appears as disorder, is really the result of true order.
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