Melachim A 10:5



5 ומאכל שלחנו ומושב עבדיו ומעמד משרתו ומלבשיהם ומשקיו ועלתו אשר יעלה בית יהוה ולא היה בה עוד רוח׃

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Nga Henry MacLagan

Verse 5. Being instructed in the knowledges of good from the Lord; in the quality of regenerated natural affections; in the application to use of the rational powers and the truths with which they are adorned; in the science of natural things with its affection; and in the degrees by which there is an ascent from exterior to interior states; and thus being brought into a state of deep humility, wherein they acknowledge that they have no life in themselves, and that they receive all life from the Lord.