列王記上 2:30



30 ベナヤは主の幕屋へ行って彼に言った、「王はあなたに、出て来るようにと申されます」。しかし彼は言った、「いや、わたしはここで死にます」。ベナヤは王に復命して言った、「ヨアブはこう申しました。またわたしにこう答えました」。

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Nga Henry MacLagan

Verse 30. Wherefore, in that state, there is an influx into the natural mind, of Divine Truth, which discloses its contrariety and, at the same time, the fixed state into which it has brought itself. And hence the celestial principle, from Divine Truth, is made sensible of the real nature of the merely natural mind as to the understanding and will.