列王記上 20:32



32 そこで彼らは荒布にまき、なわをくびにかけてイスラエルの王の所へ行って言った、「あなたのしもべベネハダデが『どうぞ、わたしの命を助けてください』と申しています」。アハブは言った、「彼はまだ生きているのですか。彼はわたしの兄弟です」。

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Nga Henry MacLagan

Verse 32. And therefore the sensual powers by acknowledging their inferiority as to the will and as to the understanding, by deceitful appearances and fallacies, before the corrupted internal, endeavour to preserve their life; and the internal, being compliant and yielding to sensual allurements, acknowledges in its turn that the merely natural is in harmony and agreement with itself.