Deuteronômio 2:37
Komentimi i këtij ajeti
Nga Alexander Payne
Verse 37. Only the soul must not adopt the principles of external worship derived from falses, nor any of their falsified truths, nor any of its doctrines which were joined with evils, nor anything that it perceives to be inimical to the Divine goodness and wisdom of the Lord. [Note (verses 24-37) — This passage appears to describe how the Lord reduces the selfishness of the heart in the external mind, and how the external morality arising from the love of reputation in the world cannot be adjoined to the Christian character without temptation-combats against the selfish motives which induce it in the unregenerate state, and how it is finally made spiritual by adoption from higher motives. The love of self reigns in man when he only regards himself and his own in what he thinks and does, and places this before the public good. (See Arcana Coelestia 7366-7377.)]
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