Nga veprat e Swedenborg


Feja e vërtetë krishtere #142

Studioni këtë pasazh

/ 853  

142. Këto janë, sipas rendit të tyre, fuqitë që Zoti i bën të efektshme tek ata që besojnë në Të dhe që përshtaten dhe përgatiten për ta pranuar dhe për t'u bërë vendbanimi i Tij. Kjo arrihet përmes së Vërtetës Hyjnore dhe për të krishterët përmes Fjalës, sepse kjo është mënyra e vetme që njeriu i afrohet Zotit dhe në të cilin hyn Zoti. Sepse, siç u tha më lart, Zoti është Vetë e Vërteta Hyjnore dhe çdo gjë që vjen prej Tij është e Vërteta Hyjnore. Me këtë, nga ana tjetër, duhet kuptuar të Vërtetën Hyjnore nga mirësia, dhe kjo është njësoj si besimi nga dashuria për të afërmin, sepse besimi nuk është gjë tjetër veçse e vërteta, dhe dashuria për të afërmin nuk është gjë tjetër veçse mirësi. Nëpërmjet të Vërtetës Hyjnore nga mirësia, pra nëpërmjet besimit nga dashuria për të afërmin, njeriu riformohet dhe rilind; më pasrestauruar, gjallëruar, shenjtëruar dhe shfajësuar; dhe në përputhje me përparimin dhe zhvillimin e këtyre forcave, ai gjithashtu pastrohet nga e keqja; e pastrimi prej tyre është falja e mëkateve. Megjithatë, të gjitha këto veprime individuale të Zotit nuk mund të përshkruhen këtu në detaje, sepse secila prej tyre kërkon paraqitjen e vet që të vërtetohet nga Fjala dhe të ilustrohet logjikisht; dhe kjo nuk i përket temës sonë të tanishme të diskutimit. Prandaj, lexuesi i referohet pjesëve të mëvonshme të këtij libri, të cilat kanë të bëjnë me Dashurinë për Fqinjën, Besimin, Vullnetin e Lirë, Pendimin, ri-formimi dhe rilindja në sekuencën e duhur. Ju duhet të dini se si Zoti i bën vazhdimisht të efektshme këto hire shpëtuese te çdo njeri, sepse ato janë shkallët drejt qiellit dhe Zoti dëshiron shpëtimin e të gjithë njerëzve; prandaj shpëtimi i të gjithë njerëzve është qëllimi përfundimtar që Ai ka në mendje, dhe ai që e do qëllimin përfundimtar i do edhe mjetet që çojnë drejt tij. Ardhja e Zotit, shëlbimi i Tij dhe vuajtjet e Kryqit, ishin të gjitha për shpëtimin e njeriut, Mateu 17:11; Lluka 19:10; dhe meqenëse shpëtimi i njeriut ishte, dhe është përjetësisht, fundi përfundimtar që Ai kishte në mendje, rrjedh se veprimet e sapo përmendura janë qëllime të ndërmjetme, ndërsa shpëtimi është përfundimi përfundimtar.

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Many thanks to Novi Jerusalem (Balkans) for the permission to use this translation.

Nga veprat e Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #5202

Studioni këtë pasazh

/ 10837  

5202. 'And behold, seven other cows were coming up after them out of the river' means falsities belonging to the natural which are also at the boundary. This is clear from the meaning of 'cows' as the truths belonging to the natural, dealt with just above in 518, so that in the contrary sense 'cows' means falsities (for most things in the Word have a contrary meaning that can be recognized from the genuine one, and therefore since truths of a natural kind are meant by 'cows' in the genuine sense, falsities of the same kind, thus falsities within the natural, are meant in the contrary sense); and from the meaning of 'the river' as the boundary, also dealt with above, in 5196, 5197. The presence of those falsities at the boundary is also evident from the use of the words 'came up out of the river', for coming or going up is used in reference to an advance made from what is exterior towards things that are interior, 3084, 4579, 4969.

[2] The implications of this, since it forms the subject in what follows, must be stated here. The previous chapter dealt with the exterior natural, with the fact that some impressions were the kind that belonged to the understanding while others were the kind that belonged to the will. The former were accepted, but the latter were cast aside. Impressions such as belonged to the understanding were represented by 'the cupbearer', and those such as belonged to the will by 'the baker'. Also, because the kind belonging to the understanding were accepted, they were also made subordinate to the internal natural. These were the matters that were dealt with in the previous chapter, in which the first stage in the rebirth of the natural is described.

[3] In the present chapter however the subject is the influx of the celestial of the spiritual into the impressions in the natural which were retained, that is to say, the impressions belonging to the understanding part there, which are meant now by 'the cows beautiful in appearance and fat-fleshed'. But as the natural cannot undergo any rebirth solely so far as ideas belonging to the understanding are concerned, desires belonging to the will must also be involved; for every individual part of the natural, to be anything at all, must include some element belonging to the understanding and at the same time another element belonging to the will. But because the will element that was present previously has been cast aside a new one must therefore enter in to replace it. This new element is received from the celestial of the spiritual which, together with its influx into the natural, is the subject in the present chapter. What the natural is like in this state is described in the internal sense - a state in which the truths there have been banished by falsities, so that the natural has been left exposed to the celestial of the spiritual. These are the considerations that are meant by the devouring of the good cows by the bad cows and the swallowing up of the full heads of grain by the empty ones, and after this by Joseph's making provision for all the land of Egypt. But in the Lord's Divine mercy more regarding these matters will be stated in what follows.

[4] They are, what is more, the kind of considerations that scarcely fall within the area of light within the human understanding, for they are the arcana of regeneration which in themselves are countless but about which a person knows barely anything at all. The person with whom good is present is undergoing rebirth every moment, from earliest childhood to the final stage of his life in the world, and after that for ever. This is happening to him not only interiorly but also exteriorly; and this rebirth involves processes that are amazing. They are processes which for the most part constitute angelic wisdom, and that wisdom, as is well known, is indescribable, embracing such things as ear has not heard, nor eye seen, and such as have never entered man's thought. 1 The internal sense deals with such matters and so is suited to angelic wisdom; and when this sense passes into the sense of the letter it becomes suited to human wisdom, and in an unseen way it stirs the affections of those who, motivated by good, have the desire to know truths received from the Word.


1. This well-known saying occurs in 1 Corinthians 2:9.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.