Ular merupakan binatang yang paling licik di antara semua binatang liar yang TUHAN Allah ciptakan. Pada suatu hari ular datang kepada perempuan itu dan bertanya, “Apa benar Allah sudah berkata kepada kalian bahwa kalian tidak boleh makan buah-buahan dari pohon-pohon yang ada dalam taman ini?”
Коментар овог стиха
Од стране Brian David
Serpents represent what we know from our bodily senses, and the reasoning based on our senses. Since the people of the Most Ancient Church had become more external, they were susceptible to the lure of trusting their senses more than they trusted the leading of the Lord. That was particularly true for the sense of self the people had been given, which is represented by the woman. Eating of the trees in the garden represented taking in desires for good and true ideas from the knowledge granted them by the Lord.
So here, for the first time, we see people, from their own senses, actually questioning the Lord. From their senses they wished to explore the knowledge represented by fruit of the garden, but wondered why they were denied the tree of knowledge.