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17 왕이 엘리야의 전한 여호와의 말씀대로 죽고 저가 아들이 없으므로 여호람이 대신하여 왕이 되니 유다 왕 여호사밧의 아들 여호람의 제 이년이었더라

Kommentar till denna vers  

Av Henry MacLagan

Verse 17. For the vastation of the wicked, or corrupted man, takes place according to the Divine Truth of the Word, and a new state of the church succeeds, which, in this case, is a farther degree of corruption; for at the same time the celestial church is vastated as to the faith of charity, and like the spiritual church is rejected because truth fails, and there is conjunction of falsity with evil.