2 Kings 1:10



10 και-C αποκρινω-VCI-API3S *ηλιου-N---NSM και-C ειπον-VBI-AAI3S προς-P ο- A--ASM πεντηκονταρχος-N2--ASM και-C ει-C ανθρωπος-N2--NSM ο- A--GSM θεος-N2--GSM εγω- P--NS καταβαινω-VF--FMI3S πυρ-N3--ASN εκ-P ο- A--GSM ουρανος-N2--GSM και-C καταεσθιω-VF--FMI3S συ- P--AS και-C ο- A--APM πεντηκοντα-M συ- P--GS και-C καταβαινω-VZI-AAI3S πυρ-N3--ASN εκ-P ο- A--GSM ουρανος-N2--GSM και-C καταεσθιω-VBI-AAI3S αυτος- D--ASM και-C ο- A--APM πεντηκοντα-M αυτος- D--GSM

Kommentar till denna vers  

Av Henry MacLagan

Verse 10. But it is the dictate of the Divine Word to self-love and its combined falsities, that since Divine Truth is from Divine Good, Divine Good is communicated therewith, and being hateful to self-love with its errors, appears to cause torment; and hence the corrupted man is totally vastated as to the will, being consumed, in reality by self-love.