2 Kings 1:16



16 και-C λαλεω-VAI-AAI3S προς-P αυτος- D--ASM και-C ειπον-VBI-AAI3S *ηλιου-N---NSM οδε- D--APN λεγω-V1--PAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM τις- D--ASN οτι-C αποστελλω-VAI-AAI2S αγγελος-N2--APM ζητεω-VA--AAN εν-P ο- A--DSF *βααλ-N---DSF μυια-N1A-ASF θεος-N2--ASM *ακκαρων-N---GSF ου-D ουτως-D ο- A--NSF κλινη-N1--NSF επι-P ος- --GSF αναβαινω-VZI-AAI2S εκει-D ου-D καταβαινω-VF--FMI2S απο-P αυτος- D--GSF οτι-C θανατος-N2--DSM αποθνησκω-VB--AMS2S

Kommentar till denna vers  

Av Henry MacLagan

Verse 16. And thence perception, that it is according to Divine Order, that since the wicked have sought salvation from the extreme evils and falsities of faith alone which is barren and desolate; and have neglected interior good and its truth, which are peculiar to the true spiritual church; therefore they cannot separate themselves from their false doctrine, and must be entirely vastated.