2 Kings 1:2



2 και-C πιπτω-VAI-AAI3S *οχοζιας-N1T-NSM δια-P ο- A--GSM δικτυωτος-A1--GSM ο- A--GSM εν-P ο- A--DSN υπερωον-N2N-DSN αυτος- D--GSM ο- A--DSM εν-P *σαμαρεια-N1A-DSF και-C αρρωστεω-VAI-AAI3S και-C αποστελλω-VAI-AAI3S αγγελος-N2--APM και-C ειπον-VBI-AAI3S προς-P αυτος- D--APM δευτε-D και-C επιζητεω-VA--AAD2P εν-P ο- A--DSF *βααλ-N---DSF μυια-N1A-ASF θεος-N2--ASM *ακκαρων-N---GSF ει-C ζαω-VF--FMI1S εκ-P ο- A--GSF αρρωστια-N1A-GSF εγω- P--GS ουτος- D--GSF και-C πορευομαι-VCI-API3P επιερωταω-VA--AAN δια-P αυτος- D--GSM

Kommentar till denna vers  

Av Henry MacLagan

Verse 2. For then its faith and life are degraded through the abuse of the knowledges of Divine Truths in the letter of the Word, the internal things of spiritual worship being neglected, and evil affections prevailing; so that, in selfish fear, its members seek salvation in the extreme evils and falsities of faith alone which is barren and desolate.