Apocalypse Explained #909

Av Emanuel Swedenborg

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909. Verse 15. And another angel went out from the temple, signifies exploration by the Lord of the state of the church in general. This is evident from what follows, namely, that the angel "cried out with a great voice, Send Thy sickle and reap, for the hour for Thee to reap is come, for the harvest of the earth is dried up," which signifies announcement after exploration that it is the time for gathering up the good and separating them from the evil, because this is the end of the church. Also from the signification of "the temple," as being heaven and the church, and the Divine proceeding from the Lord (See above, n. 220, 630, 700). The state of the church in general is here meant, because it is added that "two other angels went forth, one from the temple that is in heaven, and the other from the altar;" and these signify manifestations by the Lord respecting separation. Exploration by the Lord is signified, because an "angel" means in the Word something from the Lord (See above, n. 869, 878, 883); since angels can make no exploration of the state of the church from themselves, but only from the Lord.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.