Apocalypse Explained #910

Av Emanuel Swedenborg

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910. Crying out with a great voice to Him that sat upon the cloud, signifies announcement after exploration or visitation. This is evident from the signification of "crying out with a great voice," as being announcement (of which presently). It means after visitation because it is announced "to Him who sat upon the cloud, that the hour to reap is come, because the harvest of the earth is dried up." "He that sat upon the cloud" means the Lord in the heavens (See above, n. 906). "The great voice" of this angel signifies announcement of the state of the church after visitation, because a "voice" involves the things said, which are what follows. It is said "announcement after exploration or visitation," because visitation precedes separation, and after separation the Last Judgment is accomplished. Visitation is mentioned in many passages, and it means the exploration of what the state of the church is before the judgment. Not that such visitation exists actually; but before the judgment the angels of heaven begin to lament because of the growing power of the evil from hell, and begin to pray to the Lord for help; for the Lord knows all things, because He is omniscient. Nevertheless, visitation is depicted by the sending of angels and by their announcement; as that, when the Last Judgment is at hand:

The Lord shall send His angels with a great voice of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds (Matthew 24:31).

Not that any angels are sent to gather them together, but the Lord does this by His Divine truth; for "angels," as has been said, signify Divine truths. So again:

The apostles shall sit upon twelve thrones, and shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30).

Not that the apostles shall sit upon thrones and judge, but the Lord by His Divine truth; for "apostles," the same as "angels," signify Divine truths, since they signify all things of the church. Likewise in other places.

(But respecting visitation see what has been said in the Arcana Coelestia, namely, that visitation is an inquiry into what the state of love and faith in the church is; and that this precedes judgment, 2242.

That "the day of visitation" means the last state of the church in general, 10509, 10510;

thus when the old church is laid waste and a New Church is established, 6588.

Also that it means the damnation of the unfaithful and salvation of the faithful, 6588, 10623.

That visitation means also the coming of the Lord, because the Lord then comes to judgment, 6895.)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.