申命記 1:19



19 われわれの、主が命じられたように、われわれは、ホレブを出立して、あなたがたが見た、あの大きな恐ろしい荒野を通り、アモリびとの地へ行く道によって、カデシ・バルネアにきた。

Puna sa talatang ito  

Ni Alexander Payne

Verse 19. And when the soul left the state in which it had been instructed in truths from the Word, it passed through temptations in which, the mind appeared deprived of all joy and happiness, and was oppressed by evils and falses. These are perceived to be in the soul when it is in a state of self-love, and for this reason it is remitted into this state by the Lord, after which the regenerating soul comes into the affection of interior or rational truth (Kadesh-barnea).