Deuteronomy 33:8



8 και-C ο- A--DSM *λευι-N---DSM ειπον-VBI-AAI3S διδωμι-VO--AAD2P *λευι-N---DSM δηλος-A1--APM αυτος- D--GSM και-C αληθεια-N1A-ASF αυτος- D--GSM ο- A--DSM ανηρ-N3--DSM ο- A--DSM οσιος-A1A-DSM ος- --ASM πειραζω-VAI-AAI3P αυτος- D--ASM εν-P πειρα-N1A-DSF λοιδορεω-VAI-AAI3P αυτος- D--ASM επι-P υδωρ-N3T-GSN αντιλογια-N1A-GSF

Puna sa talatang ito  

Ni Alexander Payne

Verse 8. If And concerning spiritual love or genuine charity, it is perceived, that all the desire of doing good, and wisdom as to the means of accomplishing it, are by illumination from the Lord by the Word, as has been made evident to the soul in states of temptation from defect of truths, in which it seemed to be left without help.