De Equo Albo

Це оригінальний текст: De Equo Albo, автор Swedenborg, Emanuel


In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 9, John records his vision of a white horse with its rider. The white horse symbolizes the Divine truth of the Lord's Word, as explained in this short work. That example leads into a good short introduction to the more general principle of the correspondences between the spiritual and physical worlds, and the internal meaning of the Word.

Про цей переклад:

Ioannes Apostolus in Apocalypsi habet visionem equi albi. Per equum album significatur Divinum Verum Verbi Domini. Exemplum demonstrat principium correspondentiarum.

Створено або перекладено: Swedenborg, Emanuel

Дата створення: 1758

Ліцензія: Public domain

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De Equo Albo. Retrieved from:
