2382. 'And the men who were at the door of the house' means rational concepts and matters of doctrine deriving from these by means of which violence is offered to good flowing from charity. This is clear from the meaning of 'the men' as rational concepts, dealt with in 158, 1007; from the meaning of 'a door' as something that introduces or affords access, which leads either to truth or to good, and so means something to do with doctrine, dealt with above in 2356; and from the meaning of 'a house' as good that flows from charity, dealt with in various places. The subject here being those who 'came near to break down the door', that is, who tried to destroy the good of charity as well as the Lord's Divinity and His Holiness, 2376, rational concepts that are evil and derivative matters of doctrine that are false are meant, by means of which violence is offered to the good of charity.
Arcana Coelestia #2376
2376. 'They came near to break down the doors means that they went so far as to try and destroy them both. This is clear from the meaning of 'coming near' as making an attempt, and from the meaning of 'door' as that which leads on to good and to the Lord, and also as good itself and the Lord Himself, dealt with in 2356, 2357. For what these matters entail, see above in 2373.