Крок 135.: In heaven when you want to be somewhere, distance doesn't get in the way (continued)


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Heaven and Hell #195

Див. бібліографічну інформацію
За Емануель Сведенборг

195. Whenever people move from one place to another, whether it is within their town, in their courtyards, in their gardens, or to people outside their own community, they get there more quickly if they are eager to and more slowly if they are not. The path itself is lengthened or shortened depending on their desire, even though it is the same path. I have often seen this, much to my surprise.

We can see from all this again that distance and space itself depend wholly on the inner state of angels; 1 and since this is the case, no notion or concept of space can enter their minds even though they have space just the way we do in our world.


1. [Swedenborg's footnote] Places and spaces are presented to view in response to the inner states of angels and spirits: 5604 [5605?], 9440, 10146.