Melachim A第19章:14



14 ויאמר קנא קנאתי ליהוה אלהי צבאות כי עזבו בריתך בני ישראל את מזבחתיך הרסו ואת נביאיך הרגו בחרב ואותר אני לבדי ויבקשו את נפשי לקחתה׃


原作者: Henry MacLagan

Verse 14. Whence the former perception from Divine Truth is confirmed—namely, that those who love the Word have an ardent zeal for Divine Good from which is Divine Truth manifesting the Divine Power against evil; but that this zeal is in obscurity because, in the corrupted spiritual church, conjunction with the Lord is broken, the worship of the Lord is destroyed, and the doctrine of a true faith is rejected; and because, although the Word is still acknowledged, the tendency is to deny it entirely.