


10 He who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much. He who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.


原作者: Brian David

"Le peseur d'or" by Gerrit Dou, from the Louvre Museum

To be "faithful" represents embracing the desire for good that comes from the Lord; to be "unrighteous" (a more literal translation than "unjust") means to be selfish, putting your own desires first. "Least" and "much" refer to knowledge about spiritual things.

In context, this means that those who seek truth wherever they can find it, and treasure it for the good it can do, will have the same response to a fullness of knowledge and understanding. These will find truth even from amongst the evil represented by "unrighteous mammon" in verse nine.

Meanwhile, those who take small, seemingly harmless ideas and use them selfishly will do the same if they attain great knowledge.