गिनती 3:36



36 और जो वस्तुएं मरारीवंशियों को सौंपी जाएं कि वे उनकी रक्षा करें, वे निवास के तख्ते, बेंड़े, खम्भे, कुसिर्यां, और सारा सामान; निदान जो कुछ उसके बरतने में काम आए;

Ukuhlaziywa kwaleli vesi  

Ngu Henry MacLagan

Verse 36. And the function of those who are in the obscurity of truth from good by faith, is the preservation of the Word in its outward form according to appearances, and of external worship in agreement therewith, involving the preservation of good and truth on the lowest plane, and of the ultimate truths by which the church is supported, as well as those things, intellectual and voluntary, by means of which the regeneration of man is promoted, such as worldly knowledges and merely natural uses.