गिनती 7:3



3 वे यहोवा के साम्हने भेंट ले आए, और उनकी भेंट छ: छाई हुई गाडिय़ां और बारह बैल थे, अर्थात दो दो प्रधान की ओर से एक एक गाड़ी, और एक एक प्रधान की ओर से एक एक बैल; इन्हें वे निवास के साम्हने यहोवा के समीप ले गए।

Ukuhlaziywa kwaleli vesi  

Ngu Henry MacLagan

Verse 3. And therefore they acknowledge that they are, from the Lord by regeneration, the receptacles of celestial things protected from evil, and concealed by Divine Providence; that they have all fullness as to natural affections; that they are receptacles of good and truth in conjunction; that the affection of good is distinguished from the affection of truth; and that they receive these gifts from the Lord through the celestial heaven.