列王記上 22:20



20 は『だれがアハブをいざなってラモテ・ギレアデに上らせ、彼を倒れさせるであろうか』と言われました。するとひとりはこの事を言い、ひとりはほかの事を言いました。

Ukuhlaziywa kwaleli vesi  

Ngu Henry MacLagan

Verse 20. It is perceived also from Divine Love by Divine Truth, thus by the angels, that the corrupted spiritual church is in a state of vastation; also that it must be elevated into the light of truth for judgment; and failing to promote even the first good which belongs to the spiritual man, will lapse therefrom and be destroyed by falsity from evil, or be entirely vastated. But even the angels are uncertain as to the time and state and manner of judgment;