Deuteronomy 33:2



2 και-C ειπον-VBI-AAI3S κυριος-N2--NSM εκ-P *σινα-N---GSM ηκω-V1--PAI3S και-C επιφαινω-VBI-AAI3S εκ-P *σηιρ-N---GSM εγω- P--DP και-C κατασπευδω-VAI-AAI3S εκ-P ορος-N3E-GSN *φαραν-N---GSM συν-P μυριας-N3D-DPF *καδης-N---GSM εκ-P δεξιος-A1A-GPM αυτος- D--GSM αγγελος-N2--NPM μετα-P αυτος- D--GSM

Ukuhlaziywa kwaleli vesi  

Ngu Alexander Payne

Verse 2. It was perceived how the Lord by obedience to the Divine law elevated His natural Human principle even to the Divinity itself; and from His state of glorification light shone forth, and the Church was filled with truth and holiness proceeding from Him; and with ability to follow the doctrines of love which He taught.