Genesis 19:3



3 He urged them greatly, and they came in with him, and entered into his house. He made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.

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Ngu Brian David

Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Bazas (33) <br>

This verse shows what happens if we persevere when facing temptation, and continue seeking the Lord’s help: The Lord will be with us, will see and empower the good in us, will stay with us and purify us, and will let us feel that good as our own. That’s a rather beautiful picture, and indeed, is the whole reason the Lord lets us face temptation in the first place.

Lot represents a remnant of the Ancient Church that still retained a desire to be good and love others. Facing tempation in the previous verse, that remnant here perseveres, and is granted the Lord’s mercy. The house represents the remnant’s in inmost desire for good; the food of the feast the energy and will to do what is good; and the unleavened bread represents that good being purified, with evil desires taken away. Finally, eating represents the remnant being allowed to make that desire for good their own.