Левит 12:6



6 А когато се свършат дните на очистването й, за син или за дъщеря, нека донесе при свещеника едногодишно агне за всеизгаряне; и гълъбче или гургулица в принос за грях, до входа на шатъра за срещане;

Kommentar zu diesem Vers  

Durch Henry MacLagan

Verse 6. And when purification from evil is completed for the reception and acknowledgement of truth or of good, then the worship of the Lord from the good of innocence will be complete and perpetual, and the remission or removal of falsity and evil by a state of innocence accordingly will take place; or the Lord will be worshiped from the good of innocence internally and externally, by the acknowledgement of Him and of His operation through the heavens from a state of good.
