Devarim 4:34



34 או הנסה אלהים לבוא לקחת לו גוי מקרב גוי במסת באתת ובמופתים ובמלחמה וביד חזקה ובזרוע נטויה ובמוראים גדלים ככל אשר־עשה לכם יהוה אלהיכם במצרים לעיניך׃

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Durch Alexander Payne

Verse 34. Or are there other truths which have been able to draw forth what is good and separate it from the evil in the soul by temptations, by clear revelations of truth, by the manifest operation of Divine Providence, by contest against evil, by the power of internal truth, and by Divine Omnipotence, and by protection from evils and falses, according to all that has been done by the Divine Goodness and Wisdom upon all the falsities which favoured evil in the natural mind, as has been evident to the perception of the understanding?