Leviticus 26:44



44 Tačiau, jiems esant priešų žemėje, Aš neišsižadėsiu jų ir nesibjaurėsiu taip, kad jie būtų visiškai sunaikinti, ir savo sandoros su jais neišardysiu. Aš esu Viešpats, jų Dievas.

Kommentar zu diesem Vers  

Durch Henry MacLagan

Verse 44. But nevertheless, the Lord, when the wicked are vastated, does not cease to protect them; neither does He permit them to be utterly destroyed for the want of such protection; for He is still conjoined with them through the higher degrees of their life, which are not open, and because of this conjunction they must continue to live to eternity. For the Lord is conjoined with the wicked because they were created capable of good, and perfect in those higher degrees.