Phục truyền luật lệ ký 1:31



31 và trong đồng vắng-là nơi ngươi thấy rằng trọn dọc đường ngươi đi, cho đến khi tới chốn nầy, Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi đã bồng ngươi như một người bồng con trai mình.

Kommentar zu diesem Vers  

Durch Alexander Payne

Verse 31. And in states of defect of truth and temptation, when it has been manifestly perceived how the soul has been supported by the Divine goodness and wisdom as a man does bear his son (or as the genuine desire after good ever upholds truth in the mind) [N.B.—The love of what is good begets and educates truth in the soul, which is as it were its son] in all the changes it has gone through in its progression to its present state.