Index - Angelic Wisdom about Marriage - 1

Das ist eine Übersetzung von: Index Operis Sapientia Angelica de Conjugio (1) von Swedenborg, Emanuel

Diese Arbeit wurde ursprünglich vom Autor nicht veröffentlicht.

Übersetzt in English


Swedenborg made two indices as he prepared and wrote a manuscript (not extant), referred to elsewhere as "Sapientia Angelica de Conjugio", which itself seems to have been a draft for his subsequent published work on marriage, "De Amore Conjugiali." This index is the shorter, earlier one of the two. There is also a related manuscript, De Conjugio, which includes much of the same material. The editors have added cross-references to the sections in "De Amore Conjugiali" where the indexed subjects are clearly discussed.

Über diese Übersetzung:

This index was for a missing rough draft of Swedenborg's main published work on marriage, "Conjugial Love".

Erstelldatum: 2022

Kredit/Anerkennung: Many thanks to our friends at the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation for the permission to use this revision of the text.

Urheberrecht: Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation, Kempton, Pennsylvania

All rights reserved.

Lizenz: Used with permission - Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Über: Andrew J. Heilman, Editor and Secretary.

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Empfohlene Zitierweise:

Index - Angelic Wisdom about Marriage - 1. [Written in 2022, not published by the author.] Translated. Retrieved from:
