Devarim 4:10



10 יום אשר עמדת לפני יהוה אלהיך בחרב באמר יהוה אלי הקהל־לי את־העם ואשמעם את־דברי אשר ילמדון ליראה אתי כל־הימים אשר הם חיים על־האדמה ואת־בניהם ילמדון׃

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Po Alexander Payne

Verse 10. Specially that state in which they manifestly perceived the absolute necessity of obeying the commands proceeding from the Divine Goodness and Wisdom, and when by the Lord's Providence the whole attention of the soul was brought to bear upon eternal things, and made to perceive the Divine instructions given in the Word, that it might learn to regard the Lord's will in every state of natural life, and that all their thoughts and actions might bear the impress of it.