列王記上 20:13



13 この時ひとりの預言者イスラエルのアハブのもとにきて言った、「はこう仰せられる、『あなたはこの大軍を見たか。わたしはきょう、これをあなたのにわたす。あなたは、わたしがであることを、知るようになるであろう』」。

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Po Henry MacLagan

Verse 13. But Divine Truth from the Lord, or the Word, still influences the corrupted mind of the man of the church externally, whence it is perceived that, in spite of the prevailing power of falsities from evil in the natural man, yet it is permitted to the spiritual or internal man, to have, for the time being, power to restrain the Natural, in order that the Lord, may, at least outwardly, be generally acknowledged.