申命記 1:39



39 またあなたがたが、かすめられるであろうと言ったあなたがたのおさなごたち、およびその日にまだ善悪をわきまえないあなたがたの子供たちが、そこにはいるであろう。わたしはそれを彼らに与える。彼らはそれを所有とするであろう。


作者: Alexander Payne

Verse 39. And, moreover, all those innocent principles which the mind had persuaded itself would succumb to evil, and whatever thoughts and affections in the soul in former states had nothing in them of self-wisdom derived from the proprium, these shall be with the soul in heaven, and to them will the Lord give those blessed states that they may possess them. [Note.—As to the knowledge of good and evil derived from self-wisdom or science, see Arcana Coelestia 122-130.]