Expériences Spirituelles

これは以下の翻訳です:Experientiae Spirituales による Swedenborg, Emanuel


Sylvain AgnesによってFrançaisに翻訳されました


In these manuscripts, Swedenborg logged his experiences in the spiritual world and his reflections about them. They were unpublished until the mid-1800s. They were written from 1748 to 1764.


Dans ces manuscrits, Swedenborg consigne ses expériences dans le monde spirituel et ses réflexions à leur sujet. Ils sont restés inédits jusqu'au milieu des années 1800.

作成者または翻訳者: Sylvain Agnes

作成日: 2024

クレジット: Thanks to L'Eglise Générale de la Nouvelle Jérusalem de Côte d'Ivoire for their permission to use this French translation.

著作権: L'Eglise Générale de la Nouvelle Jérusalem de Côte d'Ivoire

All rights reserved.

ライセンス: Used with permission - 用語を見て下さい。

概要: The original work by Swedenborg was written in Latin, and he did not publish it, or really intend it for publication. It was written as a sort of diary or logbook, in which he kept notes about his spiritual experiences. He used it as a reference, too, when he wanted to describe one of these experiences in one of his published works. This French translation was made by a team from L'Eglise Générale de la Nouvelle Jérusalem de Côte d'Ivoire, under the direction of Rev. Sylvain Agnes, with assistance from the New Christian Bible Study and the General Church of the New Jerusalem, in the United States.

取得先: http://egnj.net/recherche


Expériences Spirituelles. [Written in 1748-1764, not published by the author.] Translated by Sylvain Agnes. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
