Doctrina de la Fe

다음의 번역 텍스트입니다: Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide by Swedenborg, Emanuel

다음과 같이 번역됨 Español


Is faith alone really workable? In this work Swedenborg argues carefully and convincingly that it isn't. He describes what faith is, how we work to develop it, and how it must be conjoined with charity, i.e. love to the neighbor, to be real faith.

해당 번역본에 대하여:

¿Es factible la fe sola? No. En esta obra, Swedenborg argumenta cuidadosa y convincentemente que no es así. Describe lo que es la fe, cómo trabajamos para desarrollarla, y cómo debe combinarse con la caridad, es decir, el amor al prójimo, para que sea una verdadera fe.

날짜: 2020

크레딧: This translation began as a Portuguese translation of Swedenborg's Latin work, De Doctrina de Fides", by Cristóvão Rabelo Nobre for the Nova Igreja de Brasil. It was then published by Edições das Doutrinas Celestes para a Nova Jerusalém in Curitiba, PR, Brazil. This text was used by the New Christian Bible Study's AI team to generate a Spanish translation, which has now been corrected and revised by Cristóvão Rabelo Nobre for the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation, and shared with the New Christian Bible Study.

저작권: Copyright jointly by New Christian Bible Study Corp. and the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation.

All rights reserved.

라이센스: Used with permission - 이용약관 참조


추천 인용:

Doctrina de la Fe. Translated. Retrieved from:
