καί-C ἐντέλλομαι-VAI-AMI3S κύριος-N2--NSM ὁ-
A--NSM θεός-N2--NSM ὁ-
A--DSM *αδαμ-N---DSM λέγω-V1--PAPNSM ἀπό-P πᾶς-A3--GSN ξύλον-N2N-GSN ὁ-
A--GSN ἐν-P ὁ-
A--DSM παράδεισος-N2--DSM βρῶσις-N3I-DSF ἐσθίω-VF--FMI2S
καί-C ἐντέλλομαι-VAI-AMI3S κύριος-N2--NSM ὁ-
A--NSM θεός-N2--NSM ὁ-
A--DSM *αδαμ-N---DSM λέγω-V1--PAPNSM ἀπό-P πᾶς-A3--GSN ξύλον-N2N-GSN ὁ-
A--GSN ἐν-P ὁ-
A--DSM παράδεισος-N2--DSM βρῶσις-N3I-DSF ἐσθίω-VF--FMI2S
За Brian David
In the Bible, eating represents taking in knowledge and the desire for good. Trees represent knowledge and understanding that come from the Lord. So this verse says the people of the Most Ancient Church – "man" or "Adam" – were free to gather the knowledge that flowed to them from the Lord.
This happened in a way that we cannot truly understand now. Because the people of the Most Ancient Church were in a state of love to the Lord, they know instantly, from their affections, what was true. They didn't have to ponder logic and ask questions; they simply knew from their emotional response whether an idea was in accord with love to the Lord.
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