Leviticus 1:10



10 ἐάν-C δέ-X ἀπό-P ὁ- A--GPN πρόβατον-N2N-GPN ὁ- A--NSN δῶρον-N2N-NSN αὐτός- D--GSM ὁ- A--DSM κύριος-N2--DSM ἀπό-P τε-X ὁ- A--GPM ἀρνός-N3--GPM καί-C ὁ- A--GPM ἔριφος-N2--GPM εἰς-P ὁλοκαύτωμα-N3M-ASN ἄρσην-A3--ASN ἄμωμος-A1B-ASN προςἄγω-VF--FAI3S αὐτός- D--ASN καί-C ἐπιτίθημι-VF--FAI3S ὁ- A--ASF χείρ-N3--ASF ἐπί-P ὁ- A--ASF κεφαλή-N1--ASF αὐτός- D--GSN

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За Henry MacLagan

Verse 10. Again, if the worship of the Lord be from spiritual affection, that is, either from charity or from the faith of charity, and the spiritual man be wholly consecrated to the Lord, it shall also be by means of truths purified from evil.